Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's 1:00am, but I'm staying on top of this!!

The last couple of days have been pretty rough. As most of our readers may have already heard, Jeff's Grandma Stewart passed away yesterday. It is an incredible loss, she was such a sweet and loving lady. I loved her and Grandpa's relationship, always making cute little jokes at each other, also the interest she took in people. Even last week while we were visiting with her at the physical therapy rehab center, she made fun-loving jokes at Grandpa about other gentlemen. She never forgot anything we would talk about and genuinely cared. Throughout my pregnancy she would mention that she was not going to have the chance to meet Reilly, and that would break both Jeff and my hearts. Reilly getting to meet his beautiful Great Grandmother was something that was so important to us, and we couldn't wait to take him over to meet her and Grandpa on our first trip out with him, and we are proud of the meaning that his middle name holds.

Rest in Peace Grandma, we miss you already.

As for Reilly's development, he had a HUGE first today. HIS FIRST SOLID MEAL! :) It was not a success honestly, and I question how much of it he actually got. He did amazing at taking food from a spoon.. was a complete natural, but with his massive size.. eating was never something I doubted would come easy to him. He seemed to take it pretty well, although it was still more breastmilk than anything.. 1 tbsp of rice cereal to 4 tbsp breastmilk. I fed him in his bouncer because he cannot yet sit up well enough alone for his high chair, so of course he was kicking his feet everywhere and despite my attempts to dodge him the entire time, he kicked the bowl, which splashed all over my hair, face, and clothes. Then once I had cleaned up and went to finish the feeding, part of his bouncer hit the bowl spilling the rest of it on the floor.. the dogs enjoyed it. Ew. So it looks like we will have a couple more nights of every 3 hour feedings, but I'm glad he doesn't mind the spoon!! For now we are just doing rice cereal and will probably start meats, fruits, and vegetables at 6 months, aside from pureeing vegetables from time to time just to add a little excitement to the boring rice cereal.

Another first he had this week was swinging at the park. He was getting a little fussy at the hospital, so we took a ride to the park just to get out for a while. I put him in a bucket swing and he loved it! It was adorable! Unfortunately I do not have a picture at the moment, it's on the memory card in my phone though- however, that's a pain to deal with, and definitely not a 1am activity. He ended up falling asleep in the swing so I took him out and we walked for a bit and then had some tummy time on the grass once he woke back up.. he also loved that. So glad the weather is finally decent and we can start spending more time outside!!

photo courtesy of his Leram, who came to hang out with us as the park!!

So that's that!! Jeff keeps complaining at me for doing this in the middle of the night and Rei should be ready to eat in an hour, so off to bed I go!


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