Sunday, October 17, 2010

Empty Bassinet Syndrome

It exists! Maybe not as prevalent as empty "nest" syndrome, but I walked into my room after putting Reilly in his own, and cried upon the sight of the empty bassinet. It's just crazy how fast time flies! I swear I JUST put him in that thing, and somehow in a flash we've gone from setting a timer to wake up every 3 hours to feed him, to sleeping through the night, to NOT sleeping through the night, through being picky and wanting the sleep positioner one night and not the next, obsessive breathing checks, telling Jeff more than he wanted to know about SIDS leading him to obsessive breathing checks, creating a bed time routine, and now.. he has been kicked out!

I wasn't planning on doing this today, or.. ever for that matter. I could definitely handle a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory style of sleep sans grand-parents! My goal for tonight was actually to simply not let him sleep in my bed, which I am way too guilty of. But then I thought maybe he doesn't like his bassinet because if he moves around enough in his sleep his toes touch the end, he has outgrown it. Jeff didn't have time tonight to bring the playpen upstairs, which was what I had wanted, so I figured- what's the point.. he's 4 1/2 months anyway. At 8:00 we started his bedtime routine, because I knew it wasn't going to be as quick as it usually is. Afterward he was sleepy eyed so I let him lay in his crib for a little while, until I knew he wasn't going to sleep on his own. We rocked for little while, then once he was asleep I put him back into the crib, he woke up pretty quickly. I rocked him again, and again placed him back in the crib. He slept there for about a half hour before waking up, which then I just repeated- rock.. crib. He woke up once more (so far.. it's only 10pm) but only wanted his pacifier replaced. So far so good and not one tear shed [from him]! Not ready for the crying approach. Does he really need to be a self soother? I'm just fine doing it myself, really!!

On other news.. he has mastered carrots!! He had them twice a day, for 3 days and last night he ate a whole ounce.. from my mom, the great eating accomplishments are never from me. We took today off from eating because his sleeping has been kind of weird lately. However, it could be from the whole bassinet issue, or the carrots, or because he was working (dang he's awake..just a pacifier alarm-duct tape anyone?!) up to rolling back to front (which he did today!!). Tomorrow we'll do apples twice, then Tuesday do apples and carrots to add a little variety, because how thrilling can eating the same thing 6 times be? No thanks.

And yes.. he did roll from back to front today! I missed it, but woke up from a nap to "Yay!! You're such a big boy!" coming from Jeff downstairs (THAT loud, he was THAT excited!!). He missed it also.. haha, he was reading a book while Reilly was on his playmat and heard the music go off, which is under one part of the mat and only goes off when pushed, and looked down to see the child he had just placed on his back.. on his stomach!! So that's exciting.. not really, because now there's a whole new level of middle of the night checks for rolls.. but I'm glad that Jeff got to experience a first for Reilly, he doesn't get many of those being at work most of the day, so he also got to put it in his baby book.

(And after all of this.. I just noticed I'm typing in the dark! HELLO! The baby is out of the room, turn the lights on Sarah!)


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